
Sunday 2 August 2015

Odoo Warehouse Stock Removal Strategy : FIFO, LIFO, FEFO

Odoo Warehouse Stock Removal Strategy : FIFO, LIFO, FEFO

Normally in real time scenarios, there are several products comes with expiry dates like pharmaceutical products, food products etc. It is tedious to manage manually to select that products to sold out based on FIRST EXPIRY FIRST OUT.

Here I am going to show you some of configuration in Odoo that automatically manage your stock based on expiry date/removal date set on product and removal strategy set on warehouse location.

Manage your stock using Removal strategy in Odoo. Some of removal strategy are as follows,
  1. First In First Out (FIFO)
  2. Last In Last Out (LIFO)
  3. First Expiry First Out (FEFO)

I know, Everyone loves Ice Cream and Chocolate, so here I am going to show you demo with Ice Cream as a Product :D

Ice cream comes with expiry date, it should be sold out before it gets outdated and causes health issues to customers.

Ok, Lets begin with First Expiry First Out (FEFO)

Step 1: Here is list of Warehouse locations, you can create your own warehouse location also.

Step 2: Set configuration to make menus visible for 'Serial Numbers' and 'Removal Strategy'

Step 3 : Once you have done with configuration, Removal Strategy field get visible.
Here is three type of Removal Strategy are as follows,
      1. First In First Out (FIFO)
      2. Last In Last Out (LIFO)
      3. First Expiry First Out (FEFO)

Step 4: I am going to set 'First Expiry First Out (FEFO)' Removal Strategy.

Step 5: Lets create a Purchase Quotation > Confirm > Receive Products > Transfer

Step 6: Click on 'Transfer' button, wizard will be pop up. now click on 'Lot/Serial number' field and create Lot of Incoming Shipment to receive product batch wise.

Step 7: Set Desired dates for this Lot : 0000007
           1. Best Before Date
           2. End of Life Date : It is an Expiry date
           3. Removal Date : It should be less then 'End of Life Date' 
           4. Alert Date

Step 8: Transfer the incoming shipment to 'WH/Stock' Location

Step 9: follow step 5,6,7. create second incoming shipment Lot : 0000008
           Set Desired dates for this Lot : 0000008
             1. Best Before Date
             2. End of Life Date : It is an Expiry date
             3. Removal Date : It should be less then 'End of Life Date'
             4. Alert Date

Step 10: Now we are going to sale this imported product from our location 'WH/Stock' where the removal strategy has been configured.
              Create Sale Quotation > Confirm > View Delivery Order

Step 11: Click on 'Check Availability' button, Odoo will reserve Quants based on Removal strategy on warehouse location.

Step 12: Here we go :)

              Click on move line, you can see the Reserved Quants details. product quantity has been selected from Lot 0000008 due to following removal date and expiry date,

             Product Lot        Lot 0000007         Lot 0000008

             Removal Date    08/28/2015            08/13/2015
             Expiry Date       08/31/2015            08/15/2015

            i.e : Lot 0000008 is a batch having earliest expiry date

You can select FIFO or LIFO removal strategy as per your requirements.

Have fun :)

Thanks & Regards,

Ishwar Malvi


  1. Thanks for the detailed explanation. It is very helpful for newbies like me. I tried the same steps as defined, however in the delivery Order the Lot no/ or Serial number does not pick the Lot no: based on removal strategy, it comes with a message to select the Lot number manually and the system does accept any of the Lot number I chose. Is this how it is supposed to work?

    1. Thanks for feedback... there may be some lack of proper configuration on lot. please follow above steps with new db or with new records.

  2. Nice Article Ishwar Malvi really helpful

  3. Very helpful, thank you :)
